How Can I Create a Taxi App That Will Be Loved By Everyone?

Taxi enthusiasts, fleet owners, and taxi operators who intend to reimagine and redefine the used-taxi market by giving a twist in their daily taxi services that would be loved by all, here are five audacious features thought by heart, we bet every other rider vie for:

1. Allow the Rider to Request A Ride For A Loved One

Imagine your typical taxi app customer’s mother doesn’t have a smartphone, is unable to drive, and is only able to access certain forms of transportation. Wouldn’t a son, concerned about his mother’s mobility, look for a way to ask for a ride for her?

Solution: The ability to request a ride on behalf of family or friends by specifying their destination and pick-up location has been built into the Get feature. During this procedure, the customer can view the driver’s route and the driver has access to the name and phone number of the passengers.

2. Enable A Trip Tracker For Family

Anyone who has family members who commute wants to feel at ease. They merely want to make sure that their loved ones have arrived safely. They are constantly on the lookout for a suitable solution that will enable them to keep track of where their loved ones are going.

Solution: Users can follow along on the map whenever someone is riding under their family profile thanks to a feature that has been built for family trip tracking. Recently, Uber introduced a feature that automatically sends family members trip information and displays the journey’s progress in real time on a map.

3. Offer A Real-time Support

Who wouldn’t want access to a trustworthy form of transportation?

For instance, if the driver abruptly deviates from the expected path, the female passenger might become alarmed. But to her relief, she immediately receives a call from the taxi support team to check on her well-being because the driver had diverted from the intended path. Unavoidably, a sigh of relief follows.

Lesson: Make sure your taxi app includes a panic button for any unfortunate incident or mishap so that in the event of an emergency, your taxi support team can quickly take safety measures to the riders’ rescue. The development of a solution that can sound an alarm and alert the support team in the event of any irregular activity during the ride, such as route changes, discards in the network, or other technical difficulties, is also crucial. This allows the team to act promptly.

4. Pay Next Time Feature

A customer might run out of cash, forget their cards, or worse, get lost in a deserted area. While trying to get the lift, he waves his hand in the traffic, but nobody assists him.

How convenient it would be if he could simply press a button on his phone to launch the taxi app, enter his location, and instantly receive a notification that the cab is en route and will arrive shortly. There is no need to pay cash because the app allows you to borrow money and pay it back later.

Solution: When customers are stopped in an unforeseen circumstance, the borrow money feature in the app can help them pay money later.

5. Say No to Surge Pricing and Dynamic Pricing

Surge pricing is one of the issues that almost every ridesharing and taxi hailing service has to deal with. How satisfying would it be if the business offered incentives to the drivers in times of high demand? It is not unknown that even customers worry and grumble about the fares.

Solution: No denying, it is pretty understood that it is next to impossible for a brand in every case to offer incentives as it may come as a whopping loss in case of normal “high demand” situations.

But by establishing a standard for once in a blue moon circumstances, such as, a snowstorm, an armed hostage crisis, heavy rains etc. and keeping them out of surge pricing can raise your brand prestigiousness and hence conversions.

Final Thought: You must give potential customers a reason to pick you over the plethora of other competitors if you want them to come to you. Avoid using conventional marketing strategies and long-established strategies. HUMANIZE your brand because people respond to people.

Can you think of any other flaws in the current ride-hailing or taxi industry? Share with us!

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