How to Fix the NET Framework in Windows 10?

.NET Framework is a free application which has now been incorporated into the core Windows package.

It was first introduced in the late 1990s as a way to standardize application development across various versions of Windows and is at the foundation of many of the most crucial Windows features.

Unfortunately, the.NET framework has a long history of being known to lead to numerous errors and issues.

While it doesn’t typically cause the issues on its own, they frequently arise as a result of subpar integrations or similar situations.

If you’ve been recommended to “re-install” or “repair”.NET, the tutorial that follows should be helpful.

Note – .NET cannot be removed.

Because it’s such an integral part of the Windows ecosystem, it’s actually impossible to “remove” the.NET framework from system updates later on.

Although you are free to update, fix, and manage it, removing it doesn’t work.

Consequently, if you’re having issues, you should confirm that your system is running the most recent version of the software and that it is up to date.

To do this, you need to follow the steps below:

1. Run The Verification Tool

Run the Microsoft.NET verification tool as the first step.

This is a free piece of software that essentially checks for any potential.NET problems.

You’re able to download it by searching for “.NET Verification tool” online, and clicking the first link (it should be a Microsoft web page).

Run the program once you’ve downloaded it.

Simply choose.NET version 4 if you are unsure of the version of the.NET framework you are using.

Since the framework only really checks to see if the right files are present on the system, this *should* be the case.

If there are any problems, it will give you an error code that you must look up online… otherwise, continue below.

2. Run The.NET Repair Tool

After doing step 1, you may need to “repair” any of the issues that.NET has.

Run the.NET repair tool to accomplish this.

This additional Microsoft tool essentially enables you to fix any issues Windows might have with its.NET installation.

Like the verification tool above, you can find it by clicking onto your favourite search engine and looking for “.NET repair tool”.

The first Microsoft link should be clicked to bring up a page with a large orange button.

Download the application to your computer and run it after you click the button.

When finished, restart your computer after following the on-screen instructions.

3. Upgrade.NET

If the aforementioned failed, you might want to try updating the framework.

This essentially overrides any problematic files and lets you fix any errors they might have.

To do this, you will need to do the following:

  • Search online for “.NET latest download”
  • You should be presented with a Microsoft webpage
  • This page will have two options – “.NET Core” & “.NET Framework”
  • Click on “Download.NET Framework Runtime” under the.NET Framework option
  • Save the file to your PC
  • Open it and run it
  • It will either tell you if you have the latest version, or prompt you to proceed
  • If you can proceed, follow the steps and restart your system

4. Reinstall.NET In “Windows Features”

As a final resort, you might be able to uninstall the feature from Windows Features.

To do this, you need to follow these steps:

  • Press “Windows” + “S” keys on your keyboard
  • Type “Programs and Features”
  • Select the first option (in Windows 10, there may be an option for “Turn Windows features on or off” – which you should click)
  • Click onto “Turn Windows features on or off” from the left menu
  • From the list, identify “.NET 4.7”
  • Uncheck the box
  • Click “OK”
  • Restart your system
  • Open the applet again, and this time check the box
  • Windows should perform some installation processes
  • Once complete, restart your system again
  • Test to see if it worked

You must make sure that any applications your system is running are functioning properly if you’re still having problems after trying the aforementioned steps. In most cases, reinstalling them will accomplish this.

A number of online communities, including Reddit, SuperUser, and Microsoft Answers, may be able to assist if you’re out of your element and need specific support. A paid support option is also available, and you can find it on Fiverr, locally, or through Google.

If you’re still having trouble after this, your system may be malfunctioning more deeply. Windows isn’t typically impacted by.NET directly, but it’s possible that some third-party software is incompatible with your OS and is causing the errors and problems you’re experiencing. Reinstall any problematic software if necessary, and make sure your computer is free of any other issues (viruses, malware, etc.).

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