Naturopathic Treatment Options for Psoriasis

The majority of us have all heard of psoriasis, but many of us might not be familiar with what it is.

Red, scaly patches of skin are a symptom of the skin condition psoriasis. The majority of the time, patches start off white to silver in color and then turn thickly red.

While the exact cause of psoriasis is unknown at this time, it is believed to be a result of both genetics and the immune system. Something usually triggers the immune system to become overactive or “flare” such as inflammation.

An immune-mediated reaction that causes the skin’s cells to grow more quickly leads to psoriasis. Due to the skin’s inability to shed skin cells as quickly as they are developing due to the abnormally rapid production of skin cells, plaques or lesions can accumulate.

Psoriasis can develop anywhere on the body, but it typically affects the scalp, outside of the knees and elbows. The feel and appearance of the nails can also be impacted by psoriasis.

There are a few different types or psoriasis:

  • The most frequent type of plaque results in red, inflamed, and scaly patches.
  • Following a strep infection, guttate is typical and more prevalent in kids. This type results in tiny, pink, circular lesions that are not quite as red or raised as plaque psoriasis.
  • Large areas of red, inflamed skin and blisters filled with white pus are symptoms of pustular. Usually, smaller body parts like the hands and feet are affected by this type.
  • Inverse results in red, shiny, inflamed areas that are typically found in the groin, armpits, and under the breasts.
  • A severe and rapid erythrodermic. The skin looks sunburned. The skin will slough off in broad tissue sheets, frequently covering large areas of the body at once. This can be fatal and is more frequent when people are ill.

Psoriasis can worsen or flare up due to a variety of external triggers. Stress, excessive alcohol use, drug interactions, infections, and injuries are some of the most typical triggers.

A certain proportion of individuals with psoriasis are predicted to also develop psoriatic arthritis. Psoriasis sufferers, however, run the risk of contracting other diseases like diabetes, cohn’s disease, kidney disease, heart disease, and hypertension.

There are numerous treatment options. To calm the immune system, many people first turn to biologics or other immune-suppressing medications. Your naturopathic doctor might be able to help you with lifestyle modifications, immune support, and other gentler treatments like low dose naltrexone that can calm the immune system and promote recovery.

  • It’s especially crucial to avoid things that cause inflammation. Consult your naturopathic physician about food allergy testing. You might not be aware of a food sensitivity that could be causing a lot of inflammation in your body.
  • An anti-inflammatory diet devoid of refined sugar, dairy, processed foods, fatty meats, and alcohol. Inflammation can be reduced by consuming turmeric and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • By meditating, keeping a journal, doing yoga, or doing breathing exercises, you can lower your stress levels. Your naturopath may also be able to point you in the direction of herbs that can support your adrenal glands and the body’s natural stress response.
  • sleeping soundly and restoratively. If you aren’t sleeping well, your healing is probably suffering, which could make your psoriasis worse or make it difficult to get things to calm down.

There is typically more than one way to treat psoriasis, and this is the norm. Maintaining and enhancing your health may require special attention from a qualified rheumatologist and naturopathic doctor.

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