How to Drive Safely During a Tire Blowout

. It. Then, with a bang akin to a gunshot piercing the air, your car veers in the opposite direction. You just had a tire blowout. The actions you take in the next few seconds will have a huge impact. Your options could result in either a straightforward flat tire or a car in a ditch. Continue reading to find out how to safely deal with a blowout as well as how to prevent one from happening in the first place and what to do after one.


A particular type of flat tire is a tire blowout. Your tire has a significant, irreparable tear as a result of the side wall rupturing. The real culprit is underinflated tires, despite the common misconception that overinflation contributes to blown-out tires. A tire can support the weight of a car and its occupants for reasons other than rubber and steel. Lack of air causes the internal tire parts to flex and heat up until they finally snap, resulting in a blowout. The risk of a blowout increases if the vehicle is towing a heavy load. Checking the tire pressure frequently is necessary for this reason. A car’s driver-side door jamb will have a note about the recommended tire pressure.

Driving on incredibly old, abused tires is another typical way to get a flat tire. The rubber begins to deteriorate over time, increasing the likelihood of a blowout. Use the penny test to determine whether your tires are too worn. Put the penny’s edge into the tread of your tire so that the tread covers Abe Lincoln’s head. Your tires are too worn to be driven on if you can see Lincoln’s head above the top of them. Try rubbing it with vegetable oil instead, though, if you can’t afford to replace the tire. The rubber will become more supple and flexible as a result of the oil’s moisturizing effects, lowering the risk of a blowout.

What to Do During a Blowout

Applying the brakes while your tire is blowing out is a no-no. Your car will veer as a result of the brake being applied unevenly due to the fact that one of your tires is now essentially useless. Driving an SUV or van makes it very likely that you will flip your vehicle if you brake suddenly during a blowout.

After a blowout, you should instead accelerate. It may seem strange, but when a tire blows out, your car’s speed may suddenly decrease because of the drag the flat tire creates. To prevent any vehicles behind you from being startled by your abrupt decrease in speed and ramming into you, you must briefly press the gas pedal.

You’ll notice that your car will want to veer toward the blowout after you have abruptly pressed on the gas. Only when you are traveling at a speed of less than 30 miles per hour should you steer your car to the side of the road.

What to Do After a Blowout

You can consider your next course of action once you have successfully steered your vehicle to the side of the road. A spare tire ought to be kept nearby at all times. It’s time to replace the flat and move on to the closest gas station. Make sure there is enough space around your car, though, so you can work without restriction.

If changing the tire would put you on the road and in danger from oncoming traffic, do not attempt it. You should call a tow truck if you don’t have enough space to change the tire or if you don’t have a spare. Depending on where you are, you might choose to have the truck drop off your car at your house or the neighborhood mechanic.

A blowout will probably occur at least once in a person’s life. Above all else, you should try to maintain your composure. Typically, a blowout is accompanied by a loud bang. Avoid becoming alarmed by this. You’ll quickly be back on the road if you follow the proper safety precautions.

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